1965 born in Stuttgart
Sean Snyder, Florian Zeyfang – film presentation

In his texts, videos and installations, the Berlin based artist, videomaker and writer Florian Zeyfang critically looks at the connotations of a globalized world of media signs and at the world of ideas that they reflect.
Florian Zeyfang regularly takes part in exhibitions nationally and abroad, recently at the Museum of Contemporary Art, Chicago and Artists Space, New York; at the 2nd Tirana Biennale, at ICA Moscow, Kunsthalle Düsseldorf and Kunstverein Hannover, at the 6th Werkleitz Biennale in Halle and at the KW Berlin.
Recent publications are: "I said I Love. That is the Promise. Die TVideopolitik von Jean-Luc Godard" (eds. James/Zeyfang, Berlin 2003), "Florian Zeyfang: Fokussy" (Catalog, Frankfurt 2004), N.N., Projekt Kuba (ed. with RAIN, Berlin 2006).
Additionally the artist has developed curatorial projects including those for the 8th Havana Biennale, for Fotofest in Houston, at the Museum für Angewandte Kunst Vienna, for the MAK Schindler House in Los Angeles as well as the Swiss Institute New York.
Recent Publications
I Said I Love. That is the Promise.
The TVideo-politics of Jean-Luc Godard /
Die TVideo-Politik von Jean-Luc Godard
øjeblikket - oe critical readers in visual cultures #4
Editors Gareth James and Florian Zeyfang
b_books verlag, berlin 2003 x@bbooksz.de
ISBN 3-933557-31-3
Price: 16,- €
english/german, 300 pg., b/w img.
With contributions by Kaja Silverman, Elisabeth Büttner, Dave Beech, Manthia Diawara, Simon Sheikh, Jason Simon, Stephan Geene, Michael Eng and pictures of an exhibition.
I said I love. That is the promise. The tvideo politics of Jean-Luc Godard focuses on this filmmaker's often-neglected work in television and video. I said I love proposes that it is through this crucial encounter with video that Godard - together with Anne-Marie Miéville, his collaborator throughout this body of work - forced a number of re-articulations of the aesthetic, political and gendered understanding of images and sounds. What is here termed 'tvideo politics' obtains its political force from taking the images out of an economy of reproduction in order to recognize their place within an economy of production and distribution. These essays, talks and interviews analyze cinema, television and contemporary art through the politics of the visual and propose that Godard's turn to tvideo is an ongoing and extraordinary "provocation of what it means to see and to think."
Florian Zeyfang
Editors Florian Zeyfang and Axel John Wieder
Revolver Verlag, Frankfurt 2004
ISBN 3-937577-85-8
Hardcover, 176 p. w/ 4c + s/w img.
Price: 25 €
With contributions by Clemens Krümmel, Clemens, Ariane Müller, Bennett Simpson, Bettina Steinbrügge, Axel John Wieder
"Fokussy" is published on the occasion of two exhibitions; it goes beyond them, however, in that it broadens the view on Florian Zeyfang's concern with experimental film, various forms of political documentation, and technologies. More so than a self-contained work, the book documents an artistic, research-oriented approach with its forms of expression that were developed over a number of years, especially in exhibitions and videos. The narration that runs through this book along with Zeyfang's works consists in the examination of image technology's power to define in regard to cultures of representation. His films and installations are also political narratives, though, essays dealing with the debates on different social systems as well as with those on the use of technology specific for a given period and the accompanying projections of desire. It is an experimental historical reflectivity that the works of Florian Zeyfang compiled in this publication develop.